Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dirty Socks & All

We’ve been waiting what seems like an eternity to begin blogging adoption updates. Certainly a good analogy is one of a cruise ship making a sharp left turn. Well, as long as we stay afloat, we are in good shape! =) Last Wednesday the Home Study organization submitted our petition to the Pinal County Superior Court. Finally! We are hopeful that the Social Worker will call next week and set up our initial appointment. We provided all of the personal information, which included everything from our birth certificates and tax returns to our fingerprints, work history and references. We’re told that our references will shortly be receiving letters asking to verify our character, etc.; Just a quick shout out to thank each and every one of you! Please don’t tell them about the about time when I got my hair caught in the big wheel. What kind of five year old would I have been? We undoubtedly wouldn’t want them to know about the donkey that followed Gerry to the school bathroom. Certainly, some things are just better left unsaid. LOL!

All kidding aside, as each day passes, I feel this need to connect with other parents. Not necessarily to discuss parenting skills and/or lesbian parenting rhetoric.  Nope. I just want to share in their joy.  Perhaps some will read this blog and want to throw their hands in the air while mumbling, “be careful for what you wish for.” But you see, often times we forget to realize how very abundant we are. Now I’m not talking about money, although cash makes life much easier. I’m talking about sheer unconditional love we have in our lives. What does this mean? This means “that when we say we love someone, we mean it without strings attached;” Dirty socks & all.

As we continue to wait for the process to move forward, I can’t help but to ask, is our child conceived yet? What kind of environment is the birth mother living in? Are she and the baby okay? My head surely spins!! LOL If I could send telepathic waves, I would say, “everything is going to be okay. You are unconditionally loved before you were even born. Yes, dirty socks & all!”  So my friends, here is my plea - As time passes, and our child becomes a teenager, remind me that laundry is NOT what is important. Remind me that work doesn’t define who we are, but rather what we do. Remind me that love can really overcome any obstacle. AND – remind me that it’s those unconditional moments of love, that needs to be remembered the most.

Love, Kim & Gerry


  1. BEAUTIFUL Post. I am tearing up already. Any birth mother would be so lucky to have you and Gerry adopt her baby. I can't wait!!!

  2. I love that "dirty socks & all" leave it to you to sum it up so simply and truthfully! I am so happy that you are not only taking this journey but sharing it as well! You both will be awesome Mommies! ~ Dani

  3. Love you guys and know that you will make great parents (and friends)! Just remember to not let everyday living get in the way (it happens way too much- Laura and I know)! You are more ready for this than you realize. Hugs!
